CB ordered two skirts at the skirt party a couple of weeks ago - this is the first one. It will be a longer pencil skirt with a zipper slit at the back. She chose this dark mauve herringbone wool fabric I found at The Economy Shop for $2 and I'm going to line it with the hot pink fabric you see in the background. I'm doing the skirt with nine panels (three in front, six in back) to get a tailored fit. Making this skirt also just prompted the purchase of Claire Shaeffer's Fabric Sewing Guide - I've been eager to buy this book for months and I decided that I now had a great reason (how to best finish seams on wool fabric). I can't wait!
And here's the tunic top I just finished for my friend, Kate, out of Amy Butler fabrics:
We traded skills - she created these beautiful postcard size gift certificates for me (the holidays are coming!) and is working on a flyer. In exchange she gets the top!
I think Kate will look GREAT in this top ... we may need a picture :)