Basic Sewing Machine Maintenance
Basic Sewing Machine Maintenance
If your machine seems to be jammed or is skipping
- Un-thread machine and take a look for any
loose threads or thread lint in the bobbin casing. If you see anything
stuck, try to wiggle it out. You may need to turn the manual wheel
forward and back a bit to get it out.
- Use the hose
attachment on your vacuum cleaner to vacuum out the bobbin casing. You'd
be surprised how much thread lint can build up inside the machine. I
usually do this once a week (but I use my machine a lot). DO NOT blow
into the machine or use compressed air. This can push lint further into
the machine and cause problems.
- Check to make sure
that the bobbin thread is wound tightly. If the thread has become loose,
it will tangle.
- Check your manual to
make sure the bobbin is loaded correctly into the bobbin casing. Some machines
want the bobbin to turn clockwise when you pull the thread, some want it to
turn counter-clockwise.
- When you use the
manual wheel to raise/lower the needle on the machine, make sure that you only
turn the wheel towards you (this is counter-intuitive - your instinct will be
to turn the wheel back). If you turn the wheel back, or back and forth,
the thread will jam in the bobbin area.
- Try changing the
needle. Sometimes when needles get older they can get a slight burr that
will tangle thread, or become very slightly bent which can cause problems.
If your machine makes a loud noise when you are sewing, it is usually
because the needle is out of alignment.
- You may want to try
getting new thread. Thread degrades over time, so if you have any thread
that someone gave you or you bought used, it might just be too old. Also,
some machines are very sensitive to the quality of the thread. My machine
works fine with good old Coats and Clarks, but some machines need a higher
quality thread like Gutermann or Mettler.
- Follow your manual to
oil the machine, but be sure to read the instructions or hunt down a Youtube
video first.
- Check that the needle thread tension hasn't
been re-set. The manual will probably give you the default or it may be marked
on the tension dial.
Once a week:
- Use a brush to brush out loose threads and
lint from the bobbin area and around your sewing space.
- Use the hose attachment on your vacuum cleaner
to suck out lint and loose threads.
Once every 1-2 months:
- Remove the plate under the presser foot (there
should be an obvious screw that holds it in place) and check there for more
lint. Use a brush to loosen and clean out lint.
- Use the hose attachment on your vacuum clear
to suck out lint and loose threads.
If machine isn’t working properly and you’ve tried everything
- Take machine in for a service. The Hancock
Fabrics in North Riverside Shopping Center (next to Jewel) has a wonderful
technician named Jerry. He's only there on Thursdays (usually from 10am
to 6 or 7pm), but he is GREAT. And he charges half the price of all the other
local places that do this kind of work ($48-$56 as opposed to $100). UPDATE: Jerry has retired and someone else is now repairing machines at Hancock. I have not had any work done by him so I can't speak to his ability. I believe his rates are similar. I believe he is at the store on Wednesdays.
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